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Working for America

The 2.4 Million Person Team Committed to U.S. Aerospace Leadership

Employing nearly 2.4 million workers, the U.S. aerospace and defense sector is the economic power house for our country and an important leader in the innovation, research and technologically that shapes our everyday lives. For over 100 years, aerospace workers at large and small businesses across the country have revolutionized how we travel around the globe, defend our country and explore our galaxy.

As more countries seek to develop their aerospace industries, the U.S. must maintain its focus and lead in the next century of aerospace innovation. This is why the Watch U.S. Fly community advocates for policies and investments that grow and strengthen this important sector and the millions of American workers it employs.

Stay tuned to Watch U.S. Fly to learn about the policies that will protect and strengthen America’s aerospace workers.

Help Watch U.S. Fly Defend American Aerospace Workers!

Recent Jobs Blog Posts

A Quantum Leap for Aviation

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Summer’s almost here, and flying is safer than ever

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The U.S. Export-Import Bank

A Smart Way to Support U.S. Workers and Save Taxpayer Money

The U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank plays a critical role in leveling the playing field so American manufactures and small businesses can compete and win against foreign-based competitor businesses. Ex-Im provides financing solutions to foreign customers so that it’s easier for them to buy American-made goods.

For the past several years, U.S. manufacturers have been held back without a fully functional Ex-Im Bank. Thankfully, Congress has reauthorized the Ex-Im Bank for a historic seven years in 2019.

We must continue to fully fund and fully staff the Ex-Im Bank, otherwise American workers will suffer. Foreign competitors have already taken notice. China’s four export credit agencies (similar to Ex-Im) invested more in just 2014-2015 than the entire 85 year history of our U.S. Ex-Im Bank.

Manufacturing goods here in the U.S. and selling them abroad strengthens our country’s economy and provides high-paying, high-skilled jobs for American workers. Watch U.S. Fly supports policies that level the playing field for American workers who are competing with unfairly subsidized foreign companies.

We need the U.S. Export-Import Bank so American workers can compete on a level playing field.

Help Watch U.S. Fly Improve the U.S. Economy

Top 5 Reasons America Needs a Functioning U.S. Export-Import Bank

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Defending American Workers Against Unfair Trade Practices

How Illegal European Aerospace Subsidies Hurt U.S. Workers

Competition is good for business. It drives performance and encourages innovation. In order to reap those benefits, however, competition must be fair. The best way to guarantee healthy competition in today’s international marketplace is to ensure everyone follows the agreed-upon rules of global trade.

Today, American aerospace companies are at a huge disadvantage because foreign airplane makers like Europe’s Airbus are intentionally skirting international trade laws — which will only end up hurting U.S. workers.

European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has been receiving government subsidies for decades to prop up their airplane development programs.

In 2011, the World Trade Organization (WTO) declared European subsidies to Airbus were illegal under trade law. Then in 2016, the WTO ruled again that European governments were illegally giving subsidies to Airbus.

Rules-based trade is critical for the health of all industries, especially aerospace. European taxpayer handouts hurt American companies’ ability to sell aircraft overseas, meaning fewer U.S. jobs. The EU and Airbus now have an obligation to come into full compliance with the WTO’s rulings or risk consequences authorized by the WTO.

Help Watch U.S. Fly Oppose Illegal Foreign Trade!

Creating a 21st Century Workforce

Supporting Increased STEM Education Access in the U.S.

American manufacturers must compete and win in a global marketplace. That demands a highly-skilled and adaptable workforce that is always innovating to develop the products that connect travelers around the world and defend Americans at home.

To out-innovate the rest of the world, America needs to make science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and investments a key priority in our schools and communities. Graduating students today with the STEM skills they need to succeed tomorrow will ensure America continues producing the businesses, technologies and research that shape our world.

That is why Watch U.S. Fly supports policies that will strengthen America’s STEM education access and we will occasionally highlight the community and charitable investments in STEM education made by aerospace leaders like Boeing. Access to STEM education is vital for American students to join a workforce that competes and wins in a global marketplace.

Support STEM Education for All Americans!

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