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Manufacturing Jobs in Jeopardy

Right now, Congress is mandating that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certify the 737 MAX 10 and MAX 7 before a December XX, 2022 deadline. Boeing is already working with the FAA to certify both aircraft with a focus on safety, not an arbitrary deadline.

If Boeing is not allowed to continue its work to certify these aircraft, then their future is in jeopardy.

Your voice matters. Contact your Representative today and express your support for safety and critical manufacturing jobs.

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Congress is mandating that the FAA certify the 737 MAX 10 and MAX 7 before December XX, 2022. Boeing is already working with the FAA to certify both aircraft with a focus on safety, not an arbitrary deadline. If they can’t continue their work, safety and thousands of jobs are at risk.

Contact your congressional representatives today and tell them you want the FAA certification process to continue without interference!

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