Aerospace Industry Stability an Economic Imperative

The aerospace industry in the United States is an enormous economic engine, supporting more than 2.2 million jobs, pumping $425 billion into the U.S. economy, and exporting $135.9 billion worth of high-quality, American-made products around the world.

The industry isn’t immune to setbacks though – COVID-19 and its fallout, supply chain challenges, and workforce skills shortages have all presented obstacles to growth and innovation. An ongoing production worker strike in the Pacific Northwest is significantly disrupting the regional economy.Its impact is also felt nationwide, with companies across the supply chain grappling with losses.

It is essential that the strike is resolved with an agreement that both recognizes workers and ensures Boeing’s ability to remain competitive in the years to come.

With the announcement of thousands of layoffs across the country and a $100 million loss each day the strike continues, the consequences of a prolonged stoppage are dire for an industry that’s a key economic driver in the Pacific Northwest and across the United States.

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