777-9 takeoff
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In 2015, BCA made some changes to design and branding of the 777X product family. The product family name became 777X (no longer 777-X), and the ìXî was dropped from the individual product names, so the 777-8X and 777-9X have become simply 777-8 and 777-9 respectively.
The livery on artwork showing the new airplanes was changed to reflect the update:
ïThe product family name, ì777Xî is now shown on the belly
ïThe ìXî on the tail was changed from a lower case ìxî to an uppercase ìXî
ïThe product names shown on the nose of the aircraft were updated to the current standard by removing the ìXî
Other slight changes were made to the aircraft which would be difficult to discern visually ñ chevrons on the engine nacelles were dropped, the wing grew by 1 foot, and the flap track fairings were also changed slightly.