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Tell Congress: Ensure Our Military Has the Anywhere-Anytime Communications They Need

The demands on our military satellite communications infrastructure are increasing, and we must ensure U.S. troops have the support they need for vital anywhere-anytime connectivity.

As the Department of Defense (DoD) studies how to best position their space assets and satellites over the next several years, the near-term demand on this infrastructure may soon outpace the current system’s capabilities.

To help avoid this urgent and potentially dangerous scenario, Congress must provide funding for two additional Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellites to fill the capability gap.

WGS Satellites are the most cost-effective assets for high-data-rate military communications and this solution would ensure U.S. troops have the vital anywhere-anytime communications support they need. Tell Congress to support funding for two proven, cost-effective, and reliable WGS satellites today.

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