Ex-Im helps U.S. companies of all sizes looking to sell their products abroad by offering loans and other financing tools they can’t get with commercial lenders. But as a federal agency, the Bank requires oversight from Members of Congress and was reauthorized by a supermajority in Congress in 2015.Now, more than ever, we need strong leaders in Washington who don’t create drama and still fight for the American worker. Our Senators in South Carolina –Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham – are such leaders. Staunch advocates of the Ex-Im Bank, both senators are fighting to ensure the Bank is led by someone who supports its mission, unlike the current nominee to run the bank – Scott Garrett – who spent his career in Washington trying to shut it down. Our South Carolina senators understand that an America-first economy is one where American workers build world-class products right here – and sell them abroad to help grow jobs at home. And that the U.S. Export-Import Bank is absolutely essential to unleashing American ingenuity and our potential on the world stage.Take action today and encourage Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott to keep fighting for the American worker by publicly opposing the current nominee to run the U.S. Export-Import Bank.
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