Right now, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering a proposed rule that would require lower aircraft CO2 emissions. If implemented, the proposed rule would help reduce our overall carbon footprint.
The rule would also improve the airline industry by making it more efficient and environmentally friendly. Most importantly, it would raise the standard of responsible travel and further our nation's goal of a cleaner, more sustainable future.
The EPA is only accepting public comments for a few more days. Will you join us in expressing support for efficient, clean, and sustainable air travel? It's imperative we make our voices heard today to help the environment for years to come.
Comments submitted to the EPA, including any personal information that is in the body of the submission, will be posted to regulations.gov and are also made available for in-person viewing at the EPA Docket Center’s Reading Room. Read more at https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.
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